Beware the second-order solution

I have a great party trick – I can catch almost anything that I accidentally drop. My ability to catch is only a second-order solution, however – it’s a response to a first-order problem of clumsiness. Really I should try and overcome my clumsiness but for now it’s easier to catch things and wear the odd breakage.

I’m not alone – many businesses have sexy, fun or easy second-order solutions to first-order problems. It’s sexier to make new sales than it is to invoice on time and chase bad debts. It’s more fun to chase new customers than to take care of existing customers and generate repeat business. In a public company it’s easier to boost the share price by making grand announcements than by working hard to increasing company profits.

Beware the sexy, fun or easy second-order solution – the only long-term strategy is to knuckle down and fix your first order problem.